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Kish Greek ship Kish Greek ship 2024-06-18

The sunset of Kish beach, in the middle of the frame of a wrecked ship, is a symbolic photo of this island. Wherever you see this picture, you are sure that you have seen Kish. The beauty of the sunset of Kish beach multiplies with the existence of this Greek ship, it has attracted many photographers and visitors every day. Maybe half of Iranians have a photo next to this ship, and anyone who goes to Kish cannot leave this scene without a souvenir.

The story of Kish ship
There are many ships that move forward on the violent waves of the seas and have no fear of storms. On the endless blue of the sea, under the yellow light of the sun, they are recklessly moving from one shore to another. Each of these ships has a story, but what is the story of this ship that experiences such a sad sunset every day for more than fifty years.

Undoubtedly, this Greek ship is the most different ship in the world. Many ships in the world have run aground or sunk in the seas, but this ship seems to have dragged itself to the shore and retired so as not to be separated from the sunset of Kish.

Today, the Greek ship has become one of the tourist attractions of Kish Island. So that he may have spent less evenings alone, and since 1945, he has never lost his popularity.

The reason for choosing the Greek name for the ship
When we look at the sea, the ship fascinates us. According to the natives of the island, this ship is led by a drunken captain. Because of this, it left its main route and instead of stopping at a port near Kish, it came to this part of the island and got stuck in the mud near the shore.

Since this ship was on the way to Greece, it became known as the Greek ship from that time.

This relic came from Farang, today it no longer has the endurance and ability to stand as it used to, and wear and tear has taken its toll, and it may collapse at any moment. And soon he will fall asleep forever. Every day at sunset, the sun hides behind him. The sun knows that his friend, that Greek ship, may leave him forever, and he will remain and the blue sea. only on the surface of the earth.

The Greek ship was built in 1322 in the port of Glasgow in Scotland by the English William Hamilton company.

When this ship was built, it weighed 7061 tons and was 136 meters long. This vessel was originally a war supply ship that was responsible for carrying supplies and ammunition. It is interesting that during its activity it has had many Iranian and English owners. But in the end, her final owner was a Greek, and the current name of the ship has become the Greek ship for this reason.

This ship has many names, such as: Empire Trumpet, Naturalist, Korosh Parsi, Hamadan, and when the ship sank, its name was Kola F.

Owners of the ship from the beginning until now
The first owner of this ship was the British Ministry of War Transport. This ministry handed over the management and supervision of the ship to Larinaga Steam Company in 1943, and then in 1945, Harrison Company became its owner.

From 1943 to 1946, the Greek ship Empire Trumpet was leased to the South African government. It was in 1946 that the Charnet Steam Company bought the ship and changed the name of the ship to Naturalist and took over its management with Harrison Company.

In 1959, the Iranian company Lloyd & Co Ltd of Khorramshahr bought the ship and changed her name to Korosh Parsi. In 1965, Iran Shipping Line became the owner of the ship and changed its name to Hamedan, and the last owner of the ship was Frangoulis and Kliafs from Greece, who changed its name to Kola F. (It should be mentioned that during this time the management and supervision of the ship was in charge of the English company Ashurt London.)

The reason for the Greek ship running aground in Kish
This ship was decommissioned in 1966 (equivalent to August 4, 1345 AH) after running aground near Bagu Kish, and until today it is located near the coast as one of the sights of Kish.

The main reason for the sinking and grounding of the ship is still unknown.Some say that Lloyd's of England intentionally caused the ship to sink in order to get a payment from the insurance company. And one of the reasons for this claim is the high insurance amount.

Others say that the lack of visibility and the lack of a lighthouse in Kish and the lack of vigilance of the crew caused it to sink. But none of it is certain. As if this ship seems to have chosen the coast of Kish among all the seas and ports it had visited.

After many unsuccessful attempts to remove it from the mud, the engine and all its usable parts were removed from the ship. Today, the state of the ship is recorded as stranded and unrecoverable.

As we mentioned, on July 25, 1966, this ship ran aground in the southeastern part of Kish Island and in the Persian Gulf at the age of 23. This age is young for a cargo ship.

Of course, in the last year, it was overworked and loaded beyond its capacity, which caused the ship to suffer damage in its rear and to be repaired many times. It served the British the most during its working time, carrying cargo between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. After that, under the name of Korosh Parsi, he traveled for many years in different routes from Brazil to Argentina, India, Japan and Germany and served the Iranians.

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