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The best time to travel to Thailand

The best time to travel to Thailand

Thailand is a country located on the Indo-Chinese peninsula and has more than 20 million visitors annually. This country has many historical and natural wonders and is considered one of the most beautiful regions in South Asia. Thailand's weather is hot most days of the year and it rains a lot in this area; But what is the best season to travel to Thailand? To find the answer to this question, be sure to stay with us until the end of the article. Travel to Thailand in spring; The best season to do water sports Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, near the sea, and has a Mediterranean climate. The heat in Thailand starts from spring and lasts until the end of summer. Most tourists choose the spring season to buy a tour of Thailand and travel to this country to explore the cities of Koh Samui, Bangkok and the Gulf of Thailand, as well as to do water sports and activities. Just be careful of monsoon rains and heat in this season. In addition to sightseeing in Thailand, you can also watch Visakha Bucha and ghost festivals in spring. In spring, the temperature in Thailand is usually between 20 and 40 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is at its highest due to the onset of monsoons. If you want to travel to Thailand in spring, go to the eastern and northeastern part of this country; Because these areas have better weather and less rain. Travel to Thailand in summer; The cheapest time to travel to Thailand Although most countries are filled with tourists in the summer season; But less tourists choose this season to visit Thailand. The air temperature in Thailand in the summer season reaches above 40 degrees Celsius and the air humidity sometimes reaches 90%. Heavy rains in this season are another reason for the decrease in tourists in this country. If you are traveling with Thailand Summer Tour, you will have the chance to participate in several festivals including Asahena Bucha Festival, Ubon Ratchathani Candle Festival, International Dance and Music Festival, Hua Hin Jazz Festival and Boat Race. In this rainy and hot season, the prices of hotels and flights are cheaper than other seasons and you can experience an economic trip.
